Friday, June 8, 2018

A beginner's guide to the dark web

We all have heard about the dark web and deep web. We often read those terms in newspapers, blogs, and other sources. But, what exactly is the dark web? What is the difference between dark web and deep web. What is Tor Browser? Is the dark web illegal? Here, I will reveal all exciting information about the dark web and tor. You will be answered these questions in this informative blog post:
  • What is the dark web
  • Should I browse it or not?
  • If so, then how?
  • What does it contain?
  • How should I browse the dark web?
  • Points to stay safe while browsing the dark web.
dark web images

What is the dark web?

The dark web is the internet content that isn't indexed by the search engine. That content will not be shown on any search engines. The websites are publicly visible, but it hides the IP addresses of the server on which it is hosted. Moreover, it is not accessible by any normal browsers. Tor services and its browser can access those websites.

How should I browse the dark web?

Safety is the most important thing while browsing the dark web. You can access it just like any normal website, but using VPNs and a special browser caller Tor browser.

There is no need to be afraid while browsing the dark web if you simply follow the basic instructions.

Remember, always use a VPN while browsing the dark web, so that you can stay anonymous, and hackers can't track you. You can subscribe to any paid VPN or you can use Psiphon to stay anonymous online. After running a VPN service start the Tor browser, and then disable the Javascript. 

Remove the webcam connection from your PC or black-tape your webcam on your laptop. Hackers are always there to track you from your webcam and might misuse the captures from your webcam.

Now, you are good to go. You can browse any dark web websites. Just make sure you don't visit any illegal websites, or don't trade any illegal things there.

One important safety tip:


According to a report, only around 4% of the internet content is available by search engines. Rest 96% content is stored in deep web. Government confidential data, scientific research papers, financial reports etc. are also stored in the deep web, and it is accessible by only some authorities. Hackers always try to dive into the deep web and try to steal those confidential and precious data.

dark web
Image Credit :

The dark web contains :

When you dive deeper into the deep web, it is the dark web. Dark web websites contain illegal content and services like gambling, hacking, selling drugs, hiring contract killers, buying/selling weapons, and child porn.

You can literally see people gambling like a freak on the dark web, see contract killers profiles and their weapons just like you see in the Counter-Strike video game. So, I suggest you to stay away from such websites and pages.

Famous dark web websites:

The famous search engine DuckDuckGo has its roots even in the deep web. You can visit that search engine http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/

Facebook too, has its roots in the deep web, you can browse it from here: https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/

Wiki http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

Yes, all the dark websites are .onion sites.

So, just be safe on the dark web, don't dive too deep into it. Don't be a part of any illegal trades over the dark web. You might get an investigation from the Police or FBI for browsing any illegal transaction over the dark web. But, don't be evil. Just dive and get to the surface web.

Happy diving!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Artificial Intelligence : New Era

Everyone knows about recently held Google I/O 2018 event. We saw many interesting features of upcoming android version and its upcoming apps which uses Artificial Intelligence in vast amount, or we can say the whole system is based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

AI and machine learning

In this era of AI our smartphone and computers can do almost everything for us! Like remembering stuffs and reminding them on the right time. Keeping notes, texting someone or ordering something online. All your tasks is done by virtual personal assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana or Google Assistant.

Google Duplex

CEO at Google, Mr. Sundar Pichai just elaborated that how google assistant can make a phone call for us in background while we are busy doing our other tasks. If you haven't seen that video yet, here it is.

You can see that your personal assistant is making a phone call to book an appointment to a beauty parlor and that pretty good. It makes cleverer decisions by itself and helps us doing stuff for us. There is also another example that didn't go very well. So the assistant does not make any decision and leaves that task up to its master.

A game changer

So, this is the era. This is the AI. And this is just the beginning of this era. There's just a trailer to the AI edge. There'll be more system and devices implemented on AI and ML. Possibility is even that AI and ML could steal your job and make you jobless. Yes, that is possible.AI will be a large game changer for the technical field. Slowly we will see AI replacing your jobs and eating out your wages and salaries.

What should be done?

In this rising era of AI we must prepare ourselves for this game changing battle. Try to learn AI and machine learning. it is better to create the system, instead of watching it eating our jobs. Be a master, develop stuff related to AI and be the part of this rising era of the AI.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Interesting facts about Humanoid Robot Sophia

Since the evolution of mankind, we are developing new technologies every-day. We developed phones, smartphones, and then comes the hot and trending humanoid robots. Mankind created and developed many humanoid robots that act like a human.

One of them is Robot Sophia, who looks like a human, additionally, she can think and like a human being, also she can think like a human. Sophia is very advanced developed Artificial Intelligence technology. Sophia has AI which means artificial intelligence.

AI is human developed technology in which we develop machines that have its own intelligence and can make decisions on themselves. This is how Sophia looks like.

AI field is used in most tech fields like an army, space research stations, industrial fields etc. Sophia uses the same AI which makes her think and act like a human being. After her appearance at “AI for good” at Geneva, she has become a darling for media and people. Sophia is developed by Dr. Davis Hanson at Hanson Robotics. She is an evolving AI robot who interviewed media and answered questions related to AI for good and other many questions. Plus, she is the first ever robot to hold a citizenship of any nation. She is a citizen of Saudi Arabia and has more rights to do stuff than a normal Saudi Arabian woman. She is way smarter than other AI robots till date. According to a well-reputed news website, Sophia is the best chatbot with a human face. Sophia can answer questions, she learns from the user input, she learns when people have a conversation with her, she is programmed accordingly to do so. 

Now come to the technical aspects, she is a robot with a human face, she has a camera in her eyes that makes her see the world. She gives answers to pre-programmed questions now but will be able to more questions and make us feel amazed at her all abilities that make us a human being. She is programmed to walk with help of several algorithms, she can follow faces, recognize them individually and she even can sustain eye contacts with us.

Sophia is modeled after an actress Audrey Hepburn. Sophia is able to recognize faces with visual data processing algorithm. She can hear our speech and process and recognize our speech through Google Chrome Voice Recognition technology and other tools. Sophia answers our questions which are shared on the cloud network and allows input and outputs analyzed with blockchain technology.

Sophia even has 7 siblings which are developed by Dr. Hanson. One of her siblings is BINA48, and interestingly, BINA48 even passed a college course on philosophy and love. Her more siblings are Albert Einstein Hubo, Han, Jules, Professor Einstein, Philip K. Dick Android, Zeno, and Joey Chaotic which have the same creator Dr. Hanson.  He also said that Sophia will eventually be able to provide her services in healthcare, customer service, and education.

He also added that their labs are constantly working on to improve Sophia’s human interaction and she’ll be able to answer more complex human questions and get proved as a good example of an AI robot. Let’s just hope that more and more AI robot gets developed and lead to a better lifestyle for all human being.

A beginner's guide to the dark web

We all have heard about the dark web and deep web. We often read those terms in newspapers, blogs, and other sources. But, what exactl...