Thursday, May 24, 2018

Artificial Intelligence : New Era

Everyone knows about recently held Google I/O 2018 event. We saw many interesting features of upcoming android version and its upcoming apps which uses Artificial Intelligence in vast amount, or we can say the whole system is based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

AI and machine learning

In this era of AI our smartphone and computers can do almost everything for us! Like remembering stuffs and reminding them on the right time. Keeping notes, texting someone or ordering something online. All your tasks is done by virtual personal assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana or Google Assistant.

Google Duplex

CEO at Google, Mr. Sundar Pichai just elaborated that how google assistant can make a phone call for us in background while we are busy doing our other tasks. If you haven't seen that video yet, here it is.

You can see that your personal assistant is making a phone call to book an appointment to a beauty parlor and that pretty good. It makes cleverer decisions by itself and helps us doing stuff for us. There is also another example that didn't go very well. So the assistant does not make any decision and leaves that task up to its master.

A game changer

So, this is the era. This is the AI. And this is just the beginning of this era. There's just a trailer to the AI edge. There'll be more system and devices implemented on AI and ML. Possibility is even that AI and ML could steal your job and make you jobless. Yes, that is possible.AI will be a large game changer for the technical field. Slowly we will see AI replacing your jobs and eating out your wages and salaries.

What should be done?

In this rising era of AI we must prepare ourselves for this game changing battle. Try to learn AI and machine learning. it is better to create the system, instead of watching it eating our jobs. Be a master, develop stuff related to AI and be the part of this rising era of the AI.

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