Thursday, May 3, 2018

Interesting facts about Humanoid Robot Sophia

Since the evolution of mankind, we are developing new technologies every-day. We developed phones, smartphones, and then comes the hot and trending humanoid robots. Mankind created and developed many humanoid robots that act like a human.

One of them is Robot Sophia, who looks like a human, additionally, she can think and like a human being, also she can think like a human. Sophia is very advanced developed Artificial Intelligence technology. Sophia has AI which means artificial intelligence.

AI is human developed technology in which we develop machines that have its own intelligence and can make decisions on themselves. This is how Sophia looks like.

AI field is used in most tech fields like an army, space research stations, industrial fields etc. Sophia uses the same AI which makes her think and act like a human being. After her appearance at “AI for good” at Geneva, she has become a darling for media and people. Sophia is developed by Dr. Davis Hanson at Hanson Robotics. She is an evolving AI robot who interviewed media and answered questions related to AI for good and other many questions. Plus, she is the first ever robot to hold a citizenship of any nation. She is a citizen of Saudi Arabia and has more rights to do stuff than a normal Saudi Arabian woman. She is way smarter than other AI robots till date. According to a well-reputed news website, Sophia is the best chatbot with a human face. Sophia can answer questions, she learns from the user input, she learns when people have a conversation with her, she is programmed accordingly to do so. 

Now come to the technical aspects, she is a robot with a human face, she has a camera in her eyes that makes her see the world. She gives answers to pre-programmed questions now but will be able to more questions and make us feel amazed at her all abilities that make us a human being. She is programmed to walk with help of several algorithms, she can follow faces, recognize them individually and she even can sustain eye contacts with us.

Sophia is modeled after an actress Audrey Hepburn. Sophia is able to recognize faces with visual data processing algorithm. She can hear our speech and process and recognize our speech through Google Chrome Voice Recognition technology and other tools. Sophia answers our questions which are shared on the cloud network and allows input and outputs analyzed with blockchain technology.

Sophia even has 7 siblings which are developed by Dr. Hanson. One of her siblings is BINA48, and interestingly, BINA48 even passed a college course on philosophy and love. Her more siblings are Albert Einstein Hubo, Han, Jules, Professor Einstein, Philip K. Dick Android, Zeno, and Joey Chaotic which have the same creator Dr. Hanson.  He also said that Sophia will eventually be able to provide her services in healthcare, customer service, and education.

He also added that their labs are constantly working on to improve Sophia’s human interaction and she’ll be able to answer more complex human questions and get proved as a good example of an AI robot. Let’s just hope that more and more AI robot gets developed and lead to a better lifestyle for all human being.


  1. AI is a serious thing,if you are considering the decision taking behaviour than its fixed so its controlled but when the behavior pattern are changed then we should be able to map maximum damage to data and society.

  2. Well this was a very informative blog especially to those who don't quite know much about modern technology like me. Kudos to you, Mohit! Keep doing this OMG can't wait to read more from your blog


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